Courses Offered by FBO Growth and Sales Concepts

Our interactive programs are delivered in two formats. Workshops and Classes.

Workshops are online and meet for one hour one time. Classes are online also, but they meet multiple times for several weeks. You choose the format that works best for you.

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Online Workshops


  • Lift the revenue of your FBO to new heights.

    We believe there is no single Right Way to sell at Sales Concepts. Using our unique experiential learning methodology, we can customize this program for the individual needs of each attendee! Persuasive Sales consist of interactive workshops, theory, sales-call simulations, and instructor feedback.

    • Ten one-hour sessions.
    • Three customized virtual sales calls with personal feedback


  • Landing your next arrival.

    Create a new mindset for prospecting. Develop unique sales-value statements, set goals, and land more arrivals with a proven outbound prospecting strategy.

    • Five one-hour sessions.


  • There is more to negotiating than just the price of fuel.

    The how-to’s of negotiating are presented. Methods used by professional buyers and sellers are examined, tested, and countered. Attendees are given usable financial approaches and cost justification techniques to counter price objections by selling value.

    • Eight one-hour sessions
    • Two customized negotiating calls with feedback.


Online Interactive Workshops

  • Maximize opportunities. Develop and execute a prospecting strategy.

    Prospecting is essential when generating new business and keeping our sales funnels full, but only some do it. In this session, we evaluate what consistent, proactive prospecting is. Why it's important, and how to overcome what keeps us from doing it. We introduce an eight-step process for proactive prospecting.

  • Meet and surpass customer expectations their way.

    Customers and prospects have different expectations from salespeople. If treated the same, the salesperson misses opportunities to move the process forward. This easy-to-use method teaches time-proven skills for recognizing these expectations and building positive relationships. Attendees learn a better understanding of themselves and others, how to work with people in varying situations, and how relationships affect the perception of value.

  • What's in it for the customer? Respond to objections.

    To deal with objections effectively, we must understand where they come from and what causes them. Then we must understand how we react to them. We share a seven-step process for dealing with objections. In addition to the five basic objections, participants discuss the most difficult ones they encounter daily. We explore and discuss ideas to help participants respond when dealing with objections.

  • Ask the right questions. Know where you stand. Identify and confirm your assumptions.

    Nothing impacts discovering new opportunities more than the ability and skill to ask thoughtful, relevant, and insightful questions. In this workshop, we share a four-step process for asking impactful questions. We emphasize the importance of asking questions from the initial contact to the close. We review the barriers that keep us from asking questions with options to overcome them. We stress that salespeople need to stop telling, stop assuming and start asking questions.

  • Maximize the return on your next aviation event.

    Develop both a strategy and a tactical approach to maximize the impact and return of an aviation event. We also provide methods for making quick and meaningful connections. This course provides tools attendees can use to convert prospects into customers.

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