Since COVID-19, trade shows have been on somewhat of a downward trend. However, according to Statista, the number of trade shows B2B professionals exhibited in the U.S. in 2023 was at its highest since 2015, and things look even brighter for the future.
Many of our customers have stated they will exhibit at one or more trade shows this year. To that end, here are some statistics about trade shows you might find interesting.
These statistics are sourced from Tradeshow Labs, Design Shop, Jobs In Marketing, Display Wizard, Quick Tap Survey, Statista, and Lead Liaison.
So, how do we make the most of our next trade show?
Remember the three Cs
Be proactive, meet people, and find out as quickly as possible why they are there and what they want. Please don't wait for them to start a conversation. Be enthusiastic and curious. Ask open-ended questions and get them talking and thinking. Close, get their contact information, and schedule a follow-up.
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