The biggest obstacle to closing business.

The biggest obstacle to closing business.
September 30, 2024

It’s Friday night, and you are finally home after you have worked hard all day. It has been a long week. You decide to cook meatloaf for dinner. You put the ingredients in a bowl and go to grab an egg. But when you open the refrigerator, you realize you are out of eggs! Your meal prep comes to an abrupt halt.

In selling, this happens when a salesperson does not earn the right to close. The whole sales process comes to a standstill. The close is a logical conclusion to an orderly sales process, and mistakes at the beginning of the process have a way of revealing themselves at the end, like not having the egg for meatloaf. What you are trying to accomplish abruptly stops! Natural closing at the end of the sales process requires proper positioning from the beginning.

Earning the right to close requires uncovering your prospect’s specific needs, and the prospect accepts your value proposition. To succeed at closing, you must convince the economic buyer and decision-maker. It would be best to build a consensus that your offer solves their needs and then overcome their objections or concerns. Successful salespeople are good at painting word pictures that enable the prospect to visualize success using your products and services.

Following this recipe allows you the right to close to ask the all-important question: are you ready to move forward?

So, what is the biggest obstacle to closing? Lack of preparation.

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