Successful salespeople know that all of the different buying influences in a company determine whether a purchase will move forward, stall, or go to a competitor. One of the dreaded sentences every salesperson eventually hears from a prospect is the following, "They decided to go in a different direction."
That sentence can mean so many different things, but what is clear is that you are not getting the business now. So, the big question is, how do you lessen your chances of hearing those words from your prospect?
Successful salespeople are like the conductor of a symphony. The conductor organizes the whole group of musicians who have different jobs and responsibilities, just like the various buying influences in an account. Leave one out, and you do not have a complete symphony. Likewise, if a salesperson skips a buying influence, they may not win a purchase order. Salespeople emulate a conductor's job because they must organize a group to move in the same direction. Conductors are also teachers who help musicians struggling to learn their music. Successful salespeople perform a similar role by ensuring the various buying influences understand the benefits of what they sell.
The symphony conductor has a music score; the salesperson has a business case. Presenting a sound business case to the economic buyer mitigates risk and clarifies your solution's process and financial advantages. In addition, delivering a solid business case to the economic buyer often keeps the salesperson from hearing the prospect say they have decided to go in a different direction.
Success comes for salespeople when they involve all the buying influences and understand their needs and perceived risks while creating a sound business case!
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