How do you differentiate yourself?

How do you differentiate yourself?
June 20, 2023

Have you ever been to a party or gathering where everyone got the same kind of cup? Usually, a red plastic cup and next to the cup are markers where you are supposed to write your name or some other identifying label. Doesn’t it seem like some people forget to write their name on the cup and then drink out of the wrong cup? We’ve all seen it happen, and perhaps it’s happened to you.

Could this be how your customers feel when they are in the market for what you sell? Every option looks like the same red cup to them. They can’t tell what’s in the cup until they take a drink out of it. By then, it’s too late. The reason we put our name on the cup is to differentiate our cup from all the others. We must be sure we do this for our customers as well. How do you differentiate your products and services from their competitive options? Do they all look like the same type of red cup at a party? Ask value-oriented questions to help them understand the difference.

Do this by asking two types of questions. First, ask needs-based or value questions about unique aspects of your products and services to determine if a particular feature of your product or service is important to them. Then follow that up with an impact question to determine how much that aspect of your solution impacts them. You can work from there to differentiate your solution and help customers drink from the right cup.

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