Many salespeople have come to accept certain myths as though they are truths. These salespeople needlessly limit themselves by believing ideas that just aren’t true. Let’s arm ourselves against accepting roadblocks that do not exist. Here are a few examples. Can you think of any others? Please let us know.
Selling = Telling
Have you been forced to endure a fast-talking, slick salesperson trying to sell you something you don’t need? It doesn’t work when you are buying, and it does not work when you are selling. How do you feel when someone does not listen or answer your questions because they are doing all the talking? Make sure you are not doing something to your prospects you do not want done to you. Ask what you want to tell.
Think about it. It’s late July. The temperature and humidity are both 99. Your air conditioner breaks. Do you have a budget specifically for HVAC repairs? Suppose you have $600 set aside for home maintenance, and the cost to fix it is $1,525. I bet you find a way to get the extra $925. Why? Because the situation is urgent. The budget excuse works because your customer does not see what you are selling as urgent. Fix that, and the budget issue magically disappears.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Is it always the case when you are the customer? Just look at any parking lot. Is it full of the cheapest cars? No! If price were the only consideration, more than half the cars you see in the parking lot would still be on the showroom floor. When we consider value, price becomes less of a factor. Help your prospects and customers understand why you are worth the difference!
Customers may think that way, but customers may not have all the information needed to make a sound decision. Our job is to help them decide based on facts, not assumptions or prejudices. Generally speaking, educated customers are good customers. Let’s be sure we’re doing our job to help them make better decisions. If we do that, our success will follow.
No is certainly not the best answer, but it is far from the worst. “No” is actually the second-best answer you can get. The natural response to “No” is, “Why not?” Now, you can discover the genuine concern. With “No”, you have something to work with. “No” enables you to search for alternatives. Remember, some prospects are not a good fit for what you are selling. The need may not be there, or the timing may be wrong. Either way, the sooner you discover whether you have a qualified prospect, the better.
Who in their right mind believes this? The surest way to run the sales pipeline dry is to skip or delay prospecting. The need for prospecting is as strong as ever. If you stop prospecting, your sales eventually collapse. Don’t let your sales stop. Always be prospecting!
Even with the transformation brought about by AI and social media, there will always be the need for salespeople who serve as a resource for their prospects. Relationships still count. Providing unique solutions always separates salespeople from peddlers. Are you a trusted resource for your prospects and customers?
Undoubtedly true. Provided your definition of a salesperson is one who looks out only for themself to the detriment of prospects and customers. What prospects do not trust is a stranger. The question is, how much of a stranger are you to your customers? Again, connecting and being a valued resource for them ensures you are both needed and trusted.
We hope debunking these eight myths helps you think about selling in more positive and rewarding ways. Have you been fooled? At the very least, we hope some of these might lend themselves as good discussion points for you and your team. Can you think of any others? Please let us know. We’d love to hear from you.
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