Do your customers know how to sell?

Do your customers know how to sell?
July 22, 2024

If you are like me, you may sometimes find yourself working with a customer or prospect who can not approve or decide to buy. We know we need to involve that final decision maker or economic buyer, but despite our best efforts, it is impossible.

Maybe the person you are dealing with wants what you are selling and would buy it if they could, but they need approval from someone you have not met or know. This situation creates a challenge because the person you are working with may not know how to sell the idea in their company. Now, we are counting on someone to sell for us who does not fully understand how to make and present a business case to convince economic decision-makers to approve the sale.

We must help our customers in this situation by helping them create a solid business case that clearly defines the unique financial benefits of buying from you. It should be brief and easy to understand and demonstrate that the reward of purchasing from us far outweighs the risks of doing anything else.

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