Compelling Presentations
Virtual Edition

Deliver compelling presentations, not just informative ones from wherever you are.

Deliver compelling presentations, not just informative ones, from wherever you are.

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Improve the attendee's ability to:
  • Deliver compelling, results-oriented presentations that create action .
  • Exceed client expectations by being alert, flexible, and proactive before, during, and after their presentations.
Course Synopsis

Almost everyone can deliver an informative, sales-oriented, feature-laden presentation. Developing and delivering a successful customer-oriented presentation that wins business is different. These two essential elements combine into a powerful combination designed not only to get your customer to say, "Yes!" but also, "How soon?"

Attendees begin the course by delivering a current presentation on their products or solutions. Throughout the program, each attendee refines their presentation utilizing feedback from Sales Concepts instructors and fellow participants. The keys to developing and delivering successful presentations are explained, evaluated, and discussed throughout the class.

Topics Covered
The Objective
A presentation must have an objective to be compelling.
Leave nothing to chance; take nothing for granted.
Analyzing and Understanding Your Audience
Understand and fulfill their expectations.
Build the core of your presentation.
The Opening
Win the attention of your audience and hold it.
Help your audience want to listen to you.
Getting Feedback
Confirm that you are compelling.
Finish strong with a call to action.
Trends and Additional Resources
What’s available and how it helps.
Presenting Remotely
Understand how to maximize the use of virtual conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Go-To-Meeting, etc.
  • Seven interactive online one-hour sessions.
  • Two customized virtual presentations with personal feedback via Zoom or the video conferencing platform of your choice.
  • Mondays at 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT from September 9, 2024 to November 11, 2024
  • $1,990 per attendee
Click here to register.
Course Agenda
Session 1 Monday, September 9, 2024
Introduction / Guest Speaker / Impromptu Presentations
Session 2 Monday, September 23, 2024
The Objective / Impromptu Presentations (if needed)
Session 3 Monday, September 30, 2024
Preparation, Planning, and Resources (Includes use of Zoom, Teams, Go-to-Meeting, etc.)
Session 4 Monday, October 7, 2024
Your Image to Others / Audience
Week of October 14, 2024 ~ First customized virtual 15 minute presentation with feedback
One Hour (date and time determined with participant)
Session 5 Monday, October 21, 2024
Session 6 Monday, October 28, 2024
Opening and Delivery
Week of November 4, 2024 ~ Second customized virtual 15 minute presentation with feedback
One Hour (date and time determined with participant)
Session 7 Monday, November 11, 2024
Course Review and Summary

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See our course schedule for more dates.
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